Membership Perks and Benefits

Our Membership packages offer full access to our lighting, flashes, and modifiers for that perfect photo session.
Use our lounge for client meetings which will not count towards your hours.
We have a fridge fully stocked with bottled water for you and your guests.

Monthly Memberships

Short Term$200

Monthly payment of $200 gives you all access, 24/7, Full use of lighting for up to 20 hours per month, unused hours do not carry over. 3-month minimum.

Seasonal Member$150

Monthly payment of $150 gives you all access, 24/7, Full use of lighting for up to 20 hours per month, unused hours do not carry over. 6-month minimum.

Annual Member$150

Monthly payment of $150 gives you all access, 24/7, Full use of lighting for up to 40 hours per month, unused hours do not carry over. 12-month minimum.

Our Members will also help with input on seasonal sets, access to exclusive events, and have a voice in the future of the studio.